Monday, March 30, 2009

Homeward Bound... for a few days

On my way back from Brazil, I stopped in the Bay Area for a few days to do some work and catch up with some more friends. Eli and I went to the Exploratorium and got tickets to the Tactile dome... which wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. Still fun nonetheless, just that it looked (and smelled) like it was made in the 70's!

Included below is a picture of a (huge!) Kinder Egg from Brazil. (Blackberry included for scale) For Easter in Brazil, and I recall from last year's trip to Argentina as well, they have large chocolate eggs of various brands, sometimes hanging from up above in grocery stores like bats!
Also below, Eli playing with the Exploratorium exhibit, and the tulips are blooming which we see them from the kitchen window.


  1. What is Eli doing in that photo? :)

    Also, love the tulips! So pretty. Did you plant them?

  2. Haha, Eli is trying to play weather man with tornados.
    And the tulips! Yes, we (or mainly Eli) planted them last fall. :)
